Asset management 

Do you know which assets you manage?

BIM the source data 

You have an IWMS to manage all your assets, planned maintenance and all compliance obligations. An IWMS is powerful for asset management, but only if your overview is complete. Beecot helps you get your Assets database in order by using Augmented Reality for accurate control of your building and BIM model. Discover where assets are missing or incorrect and link them directly to your IWMS for a complete overview.


A trend has started towards management based on BIM. a very logical next step after the adoption of BIM for design and construction, BIM solves many challenges during the management phase and adds value. Validate your asset data so that you have one source file that you can use for all your processes, such as generating your MJOB, surfaces and type of floor finishing for the request for a cleaning tender, and the connection of space management with the FMIS/IWMS system. The quality of your BIM data is essential. Beecot helps you bring your model to the level of a digital twin.

BIM assetmanagement

Beecot provides insight into your assets. Do you want to know how BIM can transform your project during the management phase? Find out with the Beecot Asset Management Quickscan! We perform an initial check, randomly verify assets and provide insight into your model status and database accuracy.

Assets beheer


The check takes place for the following deviations:

  • Geometry (is there a significant deviation between reality and what is shown in the model)
  • Objects that are present in reality, but not in the model
  • Objects present in the model but not in reality

Bedankt Patrick Schrijver en Menno Kolkert voor de fantastische ervaring. Beecot BV biedt een waardevole oplossing in de waterzuiveringswereld. Ik ben benieuwd naar de verdere ontwikkelingen.

Henk-Jan • freelance BIM manager

Our clients:

Curious how Beecot can help you?

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Want to know the status of your model?

Request a Quickscan